Major ongoing project

Vaccination: The PARAS Foundation is completed a vaccination project. It aims to facilitate and promote vaccination efforts for save people's from Covid-19, likely in the targeted geographical area of Puredalai block in Barabanki district. This project is supported by the Azim Premji Foundation.

ERW (Empowering Rural Women): PARAS Foundation is also involved in an initiative called "Empowering Rural Women." This project likely aims to empower and uplift women living in rural areas, providing them with opportunities for education, skill development, and socio-economic empowerment and welfare schemes entitlement realization. The ERW project is also supported by the Azim Premji Foundation.

Strengthening Civil Society Organizations towards Fostering Women Empowerment in Eastern Uttar Pradesh: This project, funded by The European Union and supported by Child Fund India, focuses on strengthening civil society organizations in Eastern Uttar Pradesh. The objective is to foster women's empowerment in the region, likely through, entrepreneur, climate friendly agricultural practices, linkages with Governmental schemes' related agriculture, capacity building, advocacy, and support for initiatives promoting gender equality and women's rights.

Major Projects

Sujalam Sufalam

Sujalam Sufalam (Supported by Tata Trust)


FASAL-2 (supported by Hindustan Uniliver Foundation)

Empower To Rural Women

ERW-Empower to Rural Women (Supported by MISEREOR, Germany)

Subham School Project

SSP ( Subham School Project) supported by Madchenschule Khadigram- Germany.