Supporting Network - SATHI

Supporting Association for Thematic and Holistic Initiatives (SATHI) is dedicated to catalyzing the development process in underdeveloped regions of Uttar Pradesh. It was established with the vision of Gram Swaraj, where every villager and citizen realizes their human potential and contributes to the development of the village and nation through participatory, transparent, and accountable local self-governance systems.

Founded in 1992 by the esteemed Gandhian thinker and social activist Late Shree Paras Bhai, along with 24 colleagues, SATHI was formally registered as an organization in July 2004 under the Societies Registration Act 21, 1860.

SATHI's primary objective is to enhance the quality of life and well-being of marginalized communities through capacity building of small and grassroots-level Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). It also focuses on developing the perspectives of development professionals at the grassroots level and fostering leadership among the deprived sections of society. By doing so, SATHI aims to empower these individuals to work towards the betterment of marginalized communities.

Since its inception, SATHI has been instrumental in bringing about positive changes among marginalized communities by providing thematic and institutional strengthening support to grassroots-level CSOs. It has implemented community-based projects on women empowerment, education, livelihoods, and other initiatives aimed at addressing inequality.

Currently, SATHI is actively involved in projects that support women empowerment, digital education, civil society strengthening, and the promotion of values such as justice, equality, liberty, and fraternity through community actions. It proudly associates with over 400 grassroots-level CSOs from 40 SATHI District Forums (SDFs) as member organizations.

SATHI's interventions are presently being implemented in 40 districts of Eastern Uttar Pradesh and the Bundelkhand regions, contributing to sustainable development and social upliftment in these areas.